Treeji formed on 23 October 2009 beginning treeji formed from the management would propose making the band boys who had not been there in Indonesia, initially Jiseph Tarra Budiman andeventually auditioned and Jiseph Tarra Budiman Hakim was elected, the 15 people elected Jiseph Tarra and there one anotherbut to resign and go and Rizky TREEJI was originally formed Tarraand Jiseph one maanajemen and Rizky go after one of the oldpersonnel resigned. , his name was originally 3G but managementsaid it already had some, so it is taken from the first name masing2T = Tarra Ree = Rizky Ji = Jiseph. Treeji so far released 2 newsingles and the No Maybe Better.

NSG Star was born from the hands Nutyas Surya Gumilang (NSG),a smart young man who got his musical experience in the midst ofthe multicultural environment of London, England. Through a GoodSign indie label formerly known as NSG Music Indonesia, NSGStar was established as his first baby that will enliven the music of Indonesia. Star NSG was formed through a process that is fast enough but promising. Through auditions, followed by a hundred participants from various backgrounds, formed a four-memberNSG Star hottie, namely Anggara Hadiansyah Purnama (Anggara),Gregory Garo Helan (Gege), Novriansyah (Rian), and SuryaAtmaja (Sun Lee). They were selected based, in particular, the assessment of their vocal and dancing. NSG Star has releasedtheir album that contains 6 songs including Love, right next to me,Hold Me Closer, Get Up, The Equation, For Forever feat: Saykoji.

Smash or Sm * sh is the abbreviation of the Seven Man As Seven Heroes, a boy band which consists of 7 personnel from Bandung consisting of Rafael, Morgan, Bhishma, Rangga, Diki, Reza and Ilham boband is formed under the auspices of the management Star Signal, arguably Sm * sh presence has sparked a lot of presence-boyband Boyband new in Indonesia's music industry. not only that the presence of Sm * sh initially sparked controversy because the style, songs and clips of their concept impressed plagiarizing korea, but sm * sh face of all these scandals were the positive and keep working and getting better, after the success of their early singles I You now Heart Sm * sh that comes with the second single smile and spirit. Sm * sh too busy gig now but they are also in busy with their routines as a sitcom actress is Love Cenat Trans Cenut that aired on TV every Friday night. although about the lives of those who did not escape from the antis's bashing them remain indifferent to what people say they want to keep working and be a role model.

Although the format, Max5 almost equal to smash, but the genre of the boy band fronted by Ficky, Bayu, Fendi, Reggie and Taufik is indeed a little different because it relies on the excellent quality of the vocals to the accompaniment of dance pop. This is reinforcedby the involvement of one of frontman pasto in the cultivation of their music. So, be a song called Love Secrets of music videos have appeared on youtube and soon, surely will enter the charts in theranks of Indonesia's most lots in the request by the Indonesian community. They claimed his presence in the Indonesian music scene a little later than its predecessor due to some personnelchanges in the body of Max 5. And now, to be under the umbrellaHits Record, they try their luck in the music world by giving karya2Indonesia best for the entire people of Indonesia.
3 IN 1

World Entertainment Indonesia, particularly the music beganenlivened by the presence of new Boyband. After some time agoBoyband SM * SH become a phenomenon among ABG, now comes a new Boyband with the name 3 IN 1. 3 IN 1 boybandBoyband Indonesia is a community that brings together three in avision and mission in music. Boyband 3 IN 1 Indonesia consists ofthree personnel namely Humonggio Volland, Kris Hasibuan, andStenly Mambrasar. Third Personnel 3in1 Boyband Indonesia came from three different backgrounds, namely Volland Humonggio with basic Martial Arts, Kris Hasibuan having Bboy'in or breakdancebackgrounds, as well as with basic Mambrasar Stenley Hip HopDance.

5 Angels is a group that consists of 5 personnel beautiful girl and they're still very young. 5 Angels have the ability not only in singingbut they are also able to dance so many of their fans who identifythem with the group the Wonder Girls from Korea due to the ability of 5 Angel the same with the Wonder Girls. Video mainstay of 5Angel who is very well known by his fans was I or him. The song ishomage to dangdut music. The song enjoyed lively and fun music.
S9B (Super 9 Boys)

Nama boyband naungan Nagaswara ini adalah S9B, yang merupakan singkatan dari “Super 9 Boyz”. Salah satu personilnya adalah sepupu Vidi Aldiano. Mereka direncanakan debut dengan remake dari lagu hitz milik Las Ketchup “Asereje”, dengan judul “ACDC Aha Ehe” (hak cipta-nya sudah dibeli oleh Nagaswara~). Berbicara soal lagu, usut pnya usut, yang bakalan meng – aransemen yaitu DJ Soemantri (pernah mengaransemen lagunya Agnes Monica), penata vokal Paul (vokalis T-Five). Salah seorang pengiring lagu adalah Sammy (drummer Ello). Dan untuk koreografi, bakalan ditata oleh koreografernya Agnes Monica. Kabarnya, kalo nanti album pertama mereka udah rilis, ke-9 personil boy band ini akan mendedikasikan lagu dan koreo sekaligus albumnya, kepada Super Junior.

7 Icons is the name of a group girlband or vocal group containingseven gorgeous girls. Personnel from the group vocals are sevenicons Angela Tee, Grace Wohangara, Linzy, Mezty, Natly, PJ,Vanilla.

One more offerings Nations Children's Music Works that willenliven belantika Music in the country is Indonesia "Dragon Boyz" with single hits "Love You No More". Boy band formed in earlyFebruary 2011 that originated from Bandung city is guarded by fivemen are relatively very young personnel, namely: "Luke, Harrimand, Nature, Riza and the Good". The origin of these originated from theBoy Band Boy Band The rise in Indonesia these days to make theproducers of "Sunu (Voc. Matta Band)" songwriter "Love You No More" form and create songs for theformat of Boy Band. The producers of "Sunu (Voc. Barry Manilow)and then pointed to the" Top Independent (TM) Management "as Management" Dragon Boyz ".

Nama mereka terdengar sangat cute dan manis. Girlsband ini tercetak pada tanggal 27 Februari 2011. Cherry berarti manis dan Belle berarti cantik. Dapat disingkat menjadi Chibi yang berarti kecil atau lucu. Mereka hadir dengan single 'Dilema' yang sangat eyecatching dan berasal dari karakter vokal yang kuat. Setelah bersaing ketat melewati 3 tahap, jadilah Cherry Belle dengan personil Cherly, Angel, Wenda, Ryn, Christy, Felly, Devi, Gigi , Anisa.

Serupa tapi tak sama. Mungkin kalimat itu yang cocok untuk boyband XO-IX (Xtra Ordinary Nine). Boyband yang digawangi Lee, Iras, Nicky, Hendra, Agwi, Kiki, Bobby, Alwin dan Budi itu menyuguhkan suatu yang beda dari yang lain.
Tak hanya piawai dalam membawakan lagu, namun boyband ini juga lihai berjingkrak di atas panggung. Lewat single perdananya yang berjudul 'Cukuplah Sudah' XO-XI siap meramaikan blantika musik Indonesia.
XO IX terbentuk sudah tiga bulan. Kalau dibilang mereka jiplak grup band yang lain itu salah, Namun kiblat XO-IX ke sana (Boy Band Korea) tapi juga mengambil kiblat boyband Amerika juga, Keputusan untuk pemilihan anggota yang hanya 9 orang itu atas kesepakatan bersama. XO-IX juga tak hanya ingin menampilkan banyaknya anggota tetapi juga menampilkan kualitas yang baik. Jago Ngedance dan Jago nyanyi.
Tak hanya piawai dalam membawakan lagu, namun boyband ini juga lihai berjingkrak di atas panggung. Lewat single perdananya yang berjudul 'Cukuplah Sudah' XO-XI siap meramaikan blantika musik Indonesia.
XO IX terbentuk sudah tiga bulan. Kalau dibilang mereka jiplak grup band yang lain itu salah, Namun kiblat XO-IX ke sana (Boy Band Korea) tapi juga mengambil kiblat boyband Amerika juga, Keputusan untuk pemilihan anggota yang hanya 9 orang itu atas kesepakatan bersama. XO-IX juga tak hanya ingin menampilkan banyaknya anggota tetapi juga menampilkan kualitas yang baik. Jago Ngedance dan Jago nyanyi.

beranggotakan 5 remaja cilik yaitu Agatha Pricilla, Febby Rastanty, Ashilla Zahrantiara, Ify Alyssa, dan Sivia Azizah. Mereka terbentuk tgl 23 juli 2011, jadi emang masih baru banget.. terus, 3 dari personelnya yang : Ashilla Zahrantiara, Ify Alyssa, dan Sivia Azizah, itu jebolan idola cilik 1.
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